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Pakistan and India

Updated: Jul 26, 2019

I will be going to Pakistan and India in March with my friend, Robby Dawkins, and a few others. We will be sharing the gospel and training the local people there to walk in power and truth. We want to encourage and empower them to go out and win the people around them to Jesus.

I would love for you to pray about whether you feel led to support me.

I would ask for prayers specifically in the areas of keeping the enemy from creating obstacles and causing opposition, and that travel and all the details will go smoothly. Also, be praying for a big move of God to break out revival and to prepare the hearts of those we will encounter.

Another way is to financially partner with me to raise funds for this trip. We will have travel costs, but there will be additional needs of the people we are ministering to. All donations will be tax deductible though Dean Smith Ministries.

Thank you for all your prayers and support! I love and appreciate every single one of you!


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